We are a non profit, tax exempt (501c 3) organization
dedicated to the preservation of 4-part 'a cappella' singing in the barbershop
style. To experience a sample of our unique singing
style, please come to one of our rehearsals on most Tuesday evenings (7pm), or attend one of our performances. Our Chorus is a mixed men and women singing group. Also, you may arrange for a performance through Contact Us.
We give performances year round in support of the community such
as the various Seniors Centers; holiday
concerts; parades; and community fund raisers.
Our Chorus is an official chapter of the internationally acclaimed
Barbershop Harmony Society, (formerly referred to as the Society for the Preservation and
Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America, or SPEBQSA) with
headquarters in Nashville, Tenn.
Our Plattsburgh Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society was established in 1959
and has been serving the North Country community with our a capella style music
ever since. We still have charter members and others who sing with us and
have been members for almost 60 years! Wow, what better testimony can
you have that speaks to how much fun this hobby is!
Here is a sampling of some of the Barbershoppers in our chorus over the past few years:
Mountain Division contest at Lake George, May 2017.
Tribute to George Schnob at St Peter's Church.
At the Memorial Chapel, adjacent to the Oval of former Plattsburgh Air Force Base, 2016.
During intermission at our 2015 Annual Show.
2014 Irishmen's Breakfast, hosted by the North Country Chamber of Commerce.
In the lobby at CVPH, 2013.
At rehearsal for 2013 Annual Show.
We are currently creating content for this section. In order to be able to keep up with our high standards of service, we need a little more time. Please stop by again. Thank you for your interest!