You can now purchase show tickets or make donations to our organization using ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS or PAYPAL!
Please support the Cumberland Bay Chorus and the Barbershop a' cappela style singing in the north country of New York!
Group tickets for the Annual Show, in quantities of 10 or more, are offered at a special discount price! Businesses,consider purchasing a block of tickets and giving them as perks to your employees or customers. Makes a great way to say "Thank you" to whatever group you wish!
You can purchase tickets online, securely UP TO 3 PM on the day of our Annual Show by clicking here. Your payment will be processed securely by paypal (even without a paypal account), one of the most trusted online payment companies on the web.
You can also purchase tickets from any barbershopper, go to Contact Us or AT THE DOOR (subject to availability.)
The Cumberland Bay Chorus welcomes your tax deductable contributions which will be used to continue our mission of providing cultural enrichment to the people of the North Country. You can make your donation online by clicking here or by sending a check to Cumberland Bay Chorus,, PO Box 153, Cadyville, NY 12918 We thank you very much!